From recent satisfied clients
As a Counsellor, I am passionate about helping others to make the personal changes they need to live their best lives. I work hard on developing a personal, trusting and transparent relationship with my clients, and what they say about my services is incredibly important to me. Read the testimonials below to get an idea of the experiences that past clients have had with my services, and get in touch with me today.
Longworth Primary school
Claire has been a counsellor at our school since the beginning of the academic year in 2019. At present, she has provided one to one sessions with our most vulnerable children. These children have loved Claire and Elsie's (her cockapoo therapy dog) sessions and have always looked forward to them.
Claire has a lovely, caring manner and the children soon feel relaxed in her company. Her style of counselling means the children are able to understand their own feelings better and improve their own self - esteem and resilience. The sessions have had positive effects on the children and their peers and improved their ability to build trusting relationships with one another.
Since the beginning of lockdown the children have missed Claire and Elsie. They hope to find a way to see them soon when we return to the 'new normal'.
Head Teacher
John Blandy Primary School​
Claire and Elsie have worked at our school every week since September, supporting specific children with needs. The response from the children has been delightful to witness, their eagerness and enthusiasm to have time with Claire was always obvious, and feedback from staff and parents was that some positive changes have been observed.
Claire is reliable, friendly and has developed bonds with people in school, despite being shut in a quiet room for the majority of her time here! She has been a real asset to our school and we are very grateful to have benefited from her time and expertise.
Head Teacher
Buckland Primary School
We had a pupil benefit greatly from Claire's weekly input with Elsie during this recent spring term. The pupil really looked forward to her sessions and was noticeably calmer and happier afterwards. Over time we began to notice a more reflective, more empathetic approach to school life and relationships. Claire managed the sessions sensitively and allowed the pupil to take control which was a key element of their success.
Head Teacher
It is astonishing how elements that seem insoluble become soluble when someone listens, how confusions that seem irremediable turn into relatively clear flowing streams when one is heard. (Carl Rogers)